Monday, January 5, 2009

Meritocracy in Singapore?

The outcome of my blog reading marathon - I would like to share these excerpts.

The Charade Of Meritocracy October 2006
By Michael D. Barr - quote

"The legitimacy of the Singaporean government is predicated on the idea of a meritocratic technocracy...."


(based on research conducted by Ross Worthington in the early 2000s): - quote

• Of the top 30 GLCs only two ( 6.7%) were chaired by non-Chinese in 1991 (and neither of the non-Chinese was a Malay).

• Of the 38 people who were represented on the most GLC boards in 1998, only two (5.3%) were non-Chinese (and neither of the non-Chinese was a Malay).

• Of the 78 "core people" on statutory boards and GLCs in 1998, seven (9%) were non-Chinese (and one of the non-Chinese was a Malay).

Why oh why, I wonder why ? the stars twinkle in the sky!

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